Posts that contain books by author ‘
Business ’
Suppose you are about to submit a query and sample chapters to an agent. A pop-up window appears requiring you to agree to a bunch of legalese including the following:
I will not assert against Agent any claim based upon …
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Sooner or later, you may need an attorney.
Perhaps your publishing business is expanding to the point where you are considering incorporating and bringing in investors. Maybe your collaboration agreement needs a legal touch. Or, the worst has happened and…
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Want to be the author in authority? Want to create an instant credential? Want to be seen as the go-to person in your field?
Then consider writing and self-publishing a book. Not just any book, but a book that shows…
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Self-publishing authors give away a lot of books. First, to family and friends, especially those you can nudge into writing a review. Then, to potential bloggers, reviewers, bookstores, and other contacts.
And writers sell their own books at readings, book…
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I s
ee this all too often.
A writer wants to self-publish without being a publisher. She hands off her manuscript to a company like AuthorHouse, IUniverse or WestBow Press without doing any homework. She doesn’t even research the company’s…
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Today, I am running a guest post by Jody Rein, a book publishing consultant, literary agent and former executive editor with Big 10, Big 6, Big 5 publishers in New York. She shares some helpful advice on understanding and negotiating …
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More than you realize.
An ISBN, short for International Standard Book Number, is a unique identifier for a particular version of a book in a specific format.
You will need one for each edition of your book, each format, and…
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Here’s a scary thought–ideas are not protected by copyright law, no matter how unique and valuable. If you give your elevator pitch in an elevator, anyone who overhears you may snitch it.
Copyright law applies only when a work is…
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Producing a well-edited, professionally designed book takes money. If you don’t have spare change lying around, how do you finance the upfront costs?
Many writers are using crowdfunding to raise money for editors and designers as well as production and…
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Starting Out on the Right Foot
If you are publishing your own book, then you are starting a small business. Your brother-in-law may be urging you to incorporate, while your neighbor coaches you on avoiding taxes. You are puzzled by…
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