Joining THE BOOK DESIGNER as a Contributing Writer

Like many writers considering the plunge into self-publishing, I started my research on the internet. Without exaggeration, the best resource I found was, and still is, Joel Friedlandler’s THE BOOK DESIGNER.

THE BOOK DESIGNER website covers everything from structuring your novel to choosing fonts for your book cover. The advice is practical and professional, and writers can download free and inexpensive handouts, videos and templates to study and use.

Joel’s monthly E-Book Cover Awards  will teach you the nuts and bolts of designing a killer book cover.

And he scans the internet to find the blog posts writers should read in his Carnival of Indies.

Best of all, Joel’s upbeat, no-nonsense voice is the tonic every writer needs in moments of doubt and confusion.

Now it’s my turn to give back to the writing community. I am honored to join a team of talented professionals as a Contributing Writer at THE BOOK DESIGNER.

And now me! Watch for my posts the last Friday of each month.  My first ran on June 27, 2014.  Here it is:

7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing A Self-Publishing Company

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